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LESSON: Part V – As a Business Leader, you must open your eyes to the tricks and motivations of government regulators and prosecutors.  You cannot be as naïve as I was and believe your conscientious life and servant leadership efforts will protect your company and family.  Be stronger and smarter than I was. Knowledge is power, and possibly the protection you may one day need. 100% true-life facts below.

The lessons below are excerpts from my upcoming book, Icarus: Zero to a Billion to Zero, January 2026, Ash Press.

17. As a leader you must be prepared to counter prosecutors and judges creating wild narratives to overcome your success and community good works. Without a crazy story of you going off the rails or having insane greed, the community will suffer cognitive dissonance and not be able to believe these allegations. The media will fall in line to drive home the sensationalized story to sell papers (get more eyeballs). You must aggressively counter the lawfare narratives and not be as silent as I was.

Before being removed, judge Rober Doumar spent 20 minutes of my sentencing explaining to the packed courtroom that I lost my mind trying to make payments for my Bentley, Ferrari, and Beach houses. They coached Jayne DiVincenzo to say I had a glass of sauvignon blanc at a Saturday morning meeting – clearly off the rails!

Before also being removed, replacement judge Wanda Allen Wright tried a new tactic. While reversing her decisions 5 times, the 4th Circuit Appeals Court filings quoted her bizarre and outrageous theater for the, again, packed courtroom and media. She proclaimed nine separate times, “But there’s something wrong, and we’re going to get you mental health treatment under my case, because there’s something wrong, and it’s not been fixed…I’m not a doctor, we’re going to get mental health treatment, but there’s something wrong.” You can see the public nodding, “Oh, he must have gone mad. That explains his entire life complete reversal.  Yes, now it makes sense.”

18. There is no such thing as rehabilitation in the Bureau of Prisons. Whether you believe in punishment or rehabilitation, at some point 98% of all inmates will be released. Among the dumbest things we do in this country is lock up a tremendous number of people, turn them into more dangerous and unqualified individuals, and then release them back into our society and expect our GDP to be fabulous. The couple of rebuilding stories told by David Muir on ABC News are .001% of the population. It is warehousing, not rehabilitation. The supposed positive programs are in the audits to Congress, but nearly 0% of it actually happens. It’s all a show to keep the $90 Billion of your tax dollars flowing to the budget.

At Ft. Dix Correctional Institute, sexual offenders would plead to me in the law library that they cannot get any therapy or help, and once their 10–20-year sentence is over they will be released to a likely nonexistent support system. They wanted to get better.  The reported couple of courses for any work certifications are generally taught by inmates and not the stated BOP officer, everyone has answers to the test, and no skills are actually acquired when all this time away could have been so easily made productive and rewarding, at no additional cost.

For any educated observer who actually cares about their country and community to see, it is either intentionally, or incompetently, all set up to achieve the opposite objectives as professed.

Protect your success.  Knowledge is power.  Take care of your family. Have a great week!



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