LESSON: Stop wandering. Stop going through the motions. Slap yourself into urgency today and capitalize on everything possible this very day: family, business, health, understanding the Universe. Even the greatest overachievers need to remotivate themselves constantly!
Last week I was feeling overwhelmed and a little directionless. I have so much goodness going on in my life, but I was exhausted, and my inbox was a mile high and I knew I needed to remotivate myself for focus and crazy productivity. I thought about the short letter Bob Vukovich (Martinovich’s alter ego for those in the know) wrote to his mentee, Cole, when he decided to quit feeling sorry for himself and reengage in that competitive game of life. I wanted to give you a copy today in hopes it gives you a small, or super big, spark to get yourself back on that A-Player Path!
The below excerpt is from my book JUST ONE MORE: The Wisdom of Bob Vukovich, Ash Press, 2021.
Cole surveyed the envelope - thick, taupe, custom stationery sealed with a burgundy wax stamped V. Only the best for Bob. Nothing careless. He gently opened the envelope and unfolded the crisp linen pages.
Cole, I apologize for missing our happy hour today, but I will be away for a while, and I'm one of those men who doesn't do well with goodbyes.
Thanks to you my friend, in many ways you would not yet understand, I have decided to make one more run at this competitive game of life. I have accepted an international tour for one of my earlier books. I had previously turned down the contract when I lost my place in the world, when I lost my bearings. Something I left out of our enjoyable happy hours.
I have been wandering in the desert far too long, but my time with you has renewed my sense of purpose, restored my optimism for what is possible, and reminded me why I started this journey in the first place. By some miracle, I have convinced Ashleigh into taking a sabbatical to join me on this adventure. I wish I could tell you how I pulled that one off, but some mysteries simply cannot be explained.
As you make your way in this competitive, and oftentimes chaotic, world, I want you to remember that a higher power places certain people on this Earth to take care of the rest. I knew our first day together that you were one of those people. It is your duty to shine your halo as brightly as possible, to grant permission to others to do the same.
Remember, he who experiences most, wins. If you lean into your fears and accomplish so much more than the rest, you will undoubtedly incur twice the pain and disappointment as others. But you will also experience joy and happiness beyond your greatest expectations. Be bold. Be unique. Promise me you will lead, not follow the masses. Your place is not among them.
Understand that love and compassion are the secrets which make this human experience bearable. Love and honor Jaimie, for she is a rare treasure which tonight I know you will fully appreciate.
Finally, my time at the Bistro has passed. I ask that you look after our special respite and protect her from the evil forces outside those front doors. I am confident she will be in good hands. I will miss our evenings together, Cole. It has truly been a privilege.
Your Friend,
Robert L. Vukovich
Have a great week!
To order Just One More: Just One More: The Wisdom of Bob Vukovich: Martinovich, Mr Jeffrey A: 9781790554850: Amazon.com: Books