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LESSON: Miracles, as defined as impossible, are real if you will only believe that they are real. Something is going on out there in the Universe, and we may not have the capacity to fully understand it but if you believe, you will attract real-life miracles. Let me tell you about a couple in my life.


The below true-life stories are recounted among the 40 lessons in my book When Not If: A CEO’s Guide to Overcoming Adversity, Forbes Books, 2024.


After I was sentenced to 14 years in the violent, 4,000 inmate, Fort Dix Correctional Institution, one Saturday morning I was running the dirt track to get out just enough anger to make it one more day. Unfortunately for me, the Mexican and Puerto Rican gangs had a misunderstanding over a book of stamps, our currency.  At 9am when the doors opened again, nearly 100 inmates came streaming out of all buildings onto the track, everyone carrying a shank, some as long as swords. They began stabbing each other all around me.  I grabbed my mesh bag containing my legal work and bounced off attacker after attacker while life moved in slow motion. I could literally feel there was a bubble around me which no one could penetrate. I shuffled to the side gate as guards with clubs streamed in, again also never attacking me.  I rushed back to my room just before all was locked down as fatalities and injuries lay around the track. A miracle.


At the lowest and loneliness point in my life, a year into my 14-year prison sentence, out of the blue I received a love letter. Ashleigh, a friend, said she never told me but had always loved me, would regret never telling me, and was going to stand by me forever through this insane challenge. Then every month for 7 years she drove 7 hours each way to battle prison insanity to spend just a few hours visiting me and then picked me up 7 years later at the gates and brought me to her home. A miracle.


After the money was gone, all attorneys abandoned me, and I was left to curl up on a metal bunk for 14 years.  By helping other inmates, I taught myself federal criminal law, all the while knowing over 99% of motions and appeals are denied.  I filed over 500 with a #2 pencil and manual typewriter, while all inmates and previous attorneys told me it was impossible.  But some weird feeling told me daily to keep going, for over 4,000 days, and it will eventually worked.  Possibly that’s called faith. I reversed the court’s decisions 5 times and removed 2 federal judges and made it home 7 years early. A miracle.


The day I was finally home with Ashleigh, we called Joy Talley, a famous medium in Virginia Beach who had previously provided unbelievable truths for our journey.  Joy, who would soon pass, was overjoyed we were home and told me my two children were going to thrive! I corrected her that I had just my son, Cole, and she said, “No the other one just has not arrived yet.” I said, “Joy’s that’s not going to happen since I’m 55 years old.”  She said, “Relax, it already has – just not in your time.”  Three months later Ashleigh shocked me with the announcement of our beautiful baby girl, Carleigh, whose name we later learned means Free Man.  A miracle.


If we are only open to believing and keep faith, someone or something out there is definitely pulling many strings.  But if you don’t believe, it won’t happen.  This Christmas and Holiday Season please rejuvenate your belief in divine intervention and miracles, and you will open the funnel from which they appear.


Merry Christmas – Let’s Crush 2025!




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